13 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Okay, so tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I'm pretty sure there might be one like this tomorrow too, so I apologize in advance for sounding repetitive.
Roommate and I were talking about Valentine's Day earlier. Neither of us really care for the holiday. This is not because we are bitter about being single on this day of love, but because we wonder why you have to make a specific day to celebrate love. I can understand that it is a world-wide celebration, but there is so much pressure to make this holiday more special than any other day of the year.Another thing we believe in: Valentine's Day is the anniversary of the day Saint Valentine was executed for marrying people illegally, so why do we celebrate it with flowers and candy? Neither of us know. But we decided to brainstorm.

  • Red?
    • the colour of love and passion (guess and move on)
  • Hearts?
    • fun fact of my life: the iconic Valentine heart is obviously not modeled after an actual heart. So what could it be modeled after? Maybe some woman's ass. Seriously look. Amy Farrah Fowler said it, so I believe it.
  • Lingerie?
    • this one is kind of obvious...lingerie is sexy, women look good in it, it's really too obvious to talk about right now
  • Chocolate?
    • is it because it tastes good? Is it because women love it? Well if you think about it, some women hate it because it's fattening, but it's still good. Well here is a fun fact to turn that smile into a slap. Chocolate is an aphrodisiac. This is apparently an ancient fact, seeing as the Aztecs even knew about it and forbade women from eating it because of the strong aphrodisiac qualities it possessed.
So all these things are about sex. Is Valentine's Day even a celebration of love anymore or is it just an excuse to politely ask someone for sex?

1 comment:

  1. Dearie, chocolate's aphrodisiac affects have not been proven yet. Yeah, there is phenylethylamine and seratonin, but nobody knows if there a high enough amount to be considered an aphrodisiac. Phenylethylamine and seratonin are mostly considered mood lifters, when in small ammounts. And the Aztecs ate cocoa beans, not chocolate. If chocolate was an aphrodisiac by itself, then there wouldn't be a demand for laced chocolate (http://www.adevichocolates.com/), would there? :D bahahahaha
