08 February 2012

Today was again creepy...but that's been done.

So today again I was creeped on. This time by an old guy who said I looked "interesting." Sure in my jeans, rugby shirt, army boots, and big ass coat I look interesting. Oh and did you happen to see my rainbow key chain and matching scarf? Fuck yeah I'm interesting. No I don't want coffee.
Anyway that's all I will say about this subject today.
What's really gotten me is that today I noticed something and it made me think. Almost everyone has friends, and if you don't then you probably have some online. One girl that I met at PFLAG was online to day and posted that she didn't want to face the people bullying her at her school. Me being the compassionate acquaintance that I am does not tolerate this kind of thing. Not the bitching about it, but the fact that people have to put up with bullies. I don't know this girl's story; I didn't ask what it was about, but I do know that she recently came out as bi, and that is all I can assume this is about. I really hope it isn't though.
Anywhich I tried to give her some advice and cheer her up at the same time with JennaMarbles. I thought she might take it as a joke, so I tried to be serious, but how serious can someone be without saying something wrong? I told her that everyone goes through this, and some of us don't make it out, but I thought she was awesome. I couldn't think of much more to say that wasn't cliché. What do I really think?
Bullying is something I had to put up with for years. Because of my name. Because of my height. Because of my beliefs. Because of my teeth. Because of my hair. Because of my broken collarbone. Because of my anti-social behavior. Because of my sexuality. There are a lot of reasons I was targeted, and there are even more reasons why everyone else is.
Bullying is something which I will not stand. I had to put up with it for years, but now I will not tolerate any that I find. I did not deal with my tormentors, I merely avoided and ignored them. Eventually people learned to leave me alone because I was not an easy target. However effective that method is, it is not good advice to give someone, because even though it will be over soon it still hurts now, and it will hurt even after the end. I wished I could have learned to stand up to my tormentors earlier. Nowadays I become polymerized tree sap and treat them like an inorganic adhesive so whatever verbal projectile they shoot at me is returned at it's original velocity and adheres to them. I guess I could have just said that I have something to say to them that evens the playing field.
I don't ignore tormentors anymore. Not mine, not my friends', not my acquaintances', not my Facebook friends'. I was pushed because I merely ignored my situation, but I don't want people to think that is the only option. You can retort, be a smart ass, make it a joke, make it a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent, just win and you will not be messed with again. Ignoring works, but they can still get to you even if you don't show it.
Stop bullying.

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