06 February 2012

Finally Got On Set

So today I woke up at 6:45, but hit the snooze button one too many times, and I was 10 minutes late to work because of this and the fact that I don't know how to exit the subway to be as close as I want to be and I ended up walking completely AROUND an entire block before I got my bearings straight. And like every other teenager, I had my excuse planned out so I didn't sound like I procrastinated or overslept or anything like that...
"Well you see I just moved here LAST SUNDAY and I don't exactly know my way around, and I kind of got on the wrong train, I went downtown instead of uptown, and I walked completely around a block trying to find the correct street, and the elevator isn't working, as you know, and I walked all the way up the 7 flights of stairs..."
But I was the first one there.
Well I didn't have to worry so much I guess, but I don't want to be late anymore. So tomorrow I either have to set the alarm earlier or use some kind of self-discipline and actually make myself wake up the first time my alarm goes off.
After working in the office for a few hours we ordered lunch, but just after I placed my order I got a text telling me to head over to the set, so I never got my turkey and Brie sandwich with caramelized pairs on a baguette with mayo. I'm not sure I actually wanted it anyway.
A good tip I learned about production today: WEAR LAYERS. It gets really cold out there, especially in New York with the wind in February. But today was something else. Today we made it rain. Yes, rain.
The scene we were shooting today is the one where Chip and his parents get out of the taxi in the rain and go into his apartment building. That's it. That is about 48 seconds of the movie, maybe it could be stretched to a minute and a half, but for that it took the entire crew to be there since 6:30 in the morning (some since 5) and they wouldn't leave until 7 that night! That's over 12 hours to shoot 1 scene that might just be edited out!
And for those of you with that kind of mind (and by that kind of mind I mean my kind of mind): Yes, we were making it rain. That was one of the first things that popped into my head when the guy I follow around, Cameron, told me about what was going on today. Strangely enough the 22 year old male did not think of that until some bystander pointed out that if we were making it rain then the little old ladies would not be standing in wonder saying look at the rain, they would probably be wondering why dollar bills would be falling out of the sky and "what on earth is that girl wearing?" That is when he laughed, while I was holding in a snicker all day. Yes I know that I have a dirty mind, but honestly what teenager doesn't?

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