10 February 2012

I'm Turning into My Cousin

So today I bought wigs. That's right, plural. You see there was this store that I went to and found some awesome dye I had only seen online (fish bowl =teal) and I went back to pick it up with a bleaching kit. As it turned out, they were sold out of fish bowl dye and were having a 2 for 1 sale on wigs. So I bought 2.
Now as to the title.
My cousin Tanya wears wigs, but it's not just that. She has a wig collection, and a hat collection, but that's different. When I met her, she had long red hair, and I thought it was natural, what with her fair skin and us being Irish and all (forget that about 80% of my mother's family has brown hair). We got talking for a while. I thought she was a hippie (and I admired that). She turned out to be really cool. A little in your face and personal, but very cool. At the end of the night, and after she and her brother Allan had more than a few drinks, she made a confusing remark: "Does my hair look real to you?"
"What?" I asked.
Then she went on to tell me that she was wearing a wig and that she had recently shaved her head. I didn't believe her until Allan testified that it was true.
The amazing hippie Tanya had cancer a while ago, and she shaved her head when she went through chemo. She survived and got better, and her hair grew back. However, being related to me we share some genes. Once her hair started to grow, she was ecstatic, but it wouldn't grow fast enough. She ended up shaving her head again and wearing wigs all the time. I used to have long frizzy waist-length hair that could be sleek and lovely if I really tried, but then I cut it short, just below my ears. 2 years later my hair had grown back to be just below my shoulder blades when I cut it again, this time in a little pixie style. Afterwards I tried to grow it out, but it never grew fast enough, or in the right places, so I kept cutting it. I was very close to being bald, but I could rock the faux-hawk. I made a promise to my Best-Est Ever Friend (from here on known as my BEEF until we come up with more "E" words) that I would not cut my hair or let anyone else cut it for 6 months after her birthday. So far I've made it for 5 months, and I miss my spikes, but I like the little flip I can do with it and I miss wearing ponytails. So I might just keep it growing, but I know I'm going to end up shaving my head at some point in my life. Probably college.
I admire my cousin Tanya. She's cool and very comfortable with just about anyone. Though I've only met her once, I feel like I know her better than most people I've known for years, but that might be because she never stopped talking.

But I have a LOT of cousins...

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