29 March 2012

I Ran Away From Work

I ran away from home work last night. I almost had to call a car, but I didn't want to waste $21 dollars, when there was a $2.25 train a few blocks away. The women all said it wasn't safe, but I knew I was fine. They kept calling me back inside when I tried to walk out, so it was almost 23:00 by the time I got out of there. I made the first train, but because they had kept me so long, I missed my connection to Manhattan (I work in Brooklyn by the way and the fastest way back is to go through Queens and then Midtown) and it was the last train of the night. So I walked to another station. No more trains there. So I walked to another station. No more trains there. I ended up walking to the bridge, which I couldn't cross because it's like a really highway, and I tried to find another bridge across the river, but couldn't. Around midnight I waved down a taxi, who luckily had a GPS. He was a nice guy, he even stopped charging me a few blocks from my place. Not all taxi drivers are horrible, but I still don't like taxis because they are so over-priced.

26 March 2012

Ain't That A "B" With An Itch

I fornicating hate my job. It sucks. I'll get over it. I'm leaving in a little less than a week. I just have to find the best way to say "by the way I won't be here next week, or ever after that." I'm really going to miss NYC. I've grown to love it here. Ah well. France here I come!
I don't expect much out of my job. This is a real internship, so I know I'm not paid, but I didn't expect to be paying to work for them! I had to buy my own lunch because I wasn't in the office when they ordered, and they haven't paid me back yet. Also I had to get Starbucks for my boss. $5.93 for a soy cappuccino with vanilla, and I haven't been paid back. Aileen the coordinator lent me $20 for a taxi home, and it came to $21. Yeah, I'm probably making a good choice in not sticking around to be their delivery girl.
But the most awesome thing by far, that almost makes up for the suckiness of the job. Meagan Good is playing the lead role in this show, Notorious. Meagan Good. One of the D.E.B.S.!!! A DEB! OH MY GOSH! Yeah that's kind of it.

25 March 2012

Inner Child Is Very Pleased

So my problems are solved! Well some of them at least. My iPod touch came yesterday with it's 2 free protective cases! I have an iPod! My father would kill me. I think mostly bought it for the headphones though. I really love it!
The main point which my inner child was pleased with was the zoos. That's right: plural(s). I saw the Central Park Zoo and the Bronx Zoo. Both extremely awesome to a girl who hadn't been to a zoo since she was 12. The Central Park Zoo is so cute! I was laughing and pretty much embracing my ADHD side the entire time. POLAR BEAR! It's tiny for a zoo, but it's very good at utilizing space, like many NYC apartments. SNOW LEOPARD! Along with other attractions there are different areas for different climates: the Tropical Zone, the Temperate Zone, and the Arctic Zone. When it's cold the Tropics are the best place to go, if you don't mind clearing the fog off of your camera lens every 30 seconds. PENGUINS! The 4-D theater was awesome! They don't really keep track of whether or not people return the glasses though, which was fine with me! I got another pair of nerdy-looking glasses to show my friends I have no life! Haha...friends...like I have any. MONKEYS! Food is way too expensive. I spent $12 on a bottle of coke and a tuna salad sandwich. COWS! I even went to the Children's Zoo, because I had bought a "Complete Experience Ticket" so I was going to make the most of it. I was so surprised at how everybody was so enthralled by the pigs, goats, sheep, and cow. I mean I can sort of understand looking at an alpaca, but a cow? Those things used to be in my backyard! Get over it you city-folk! A pigeon landed in the polar bear tank, and honestly I'd hoped that the bear would be hungry for a light snack. I don't like pigeons. Or chickens. Or geese. Or cockatiels. Or a lot of birds. I'm not a bird person, except for penguins, ducks, and parrots. Those ones are okay.
I went to the Bronx after that because no matter how cool the Central Park Zoo is, you just get disappointed that you didn't see Marty the Zebra and Alex the Lion. Yeah, I'm a kid. TIGERS! This zoo had buffalo, excuse me, bison. And deer (okay it was a New Zealand deer, but still). Crazy somethings. There were elephants too, but I couldn't see them. *insert sadface*
All this zooing made me realize how much I missed all my kid shows: Jaws and Claws, Croc Hunter, and most of all Zoboomafoo! I think Zoboo will help me beat this Walking Dead kick I've been on. At least until I find season 2.

24 March 2012

Oh Lens Village-WHY ME?

So I ordered some lenses from Lens Village earlier this month. They had a sale on their Pop.C Light Lenses, and I ordered a pair in green to replace my old ones that had become damaged, and a pair in grey. I waited patiently for almost a month, when it finally arrived on Thursday the 22nd of March. I was so happy, even though I missed it and had to go to the post office on Friday to claim my package.
Walking back from the post office I was elated, and couldn't wait to try out my new grey eyes, when Aileen called: "Could you possibly work this afternoon?" How could I say no? If I said yes then I was giving up my precious free time, and if I said no then I would feel bad about not doing my job. You see I don't get paid for this internship, so I don't really have a reason to be working 5 days a week. I only said yes because I am in this new job for only 2 weeks, and would like to build up some kind of reputation as a reliable person.
Well when I got back from work there were only 2 things on my mind: food and sleep. Those being done I drifted off without a care in the world, dreaming of the next day when I would go to the Central Park Zoo. Waking up, I had a different feeling.
I decided to wear my new lenses, the grey ones, so I could see if they were comfortable. However when I picked up the first one (left, even though it doesn't really matter since they are 0 power) It was damaged, sliced down the middle. I was extremely disappointed that my order was damaged, and equally upset that now I had to write an email to the company complaining. Lens Village has not been entirely reliable: my last order from them took 8 weeks to "process" and with this order I'm pretty sure they gave me the wrong tracking number. But this puts it over the top. I am upset that my lens was damaged, and now I just hope that they will reply soon. If they don't, I really don't know what I'll do, probably just email them every day until they respond.

22 March 2012

Farewell to Horton II

Horton II was my Zune. Yes a Zune. I'm sorry it had to come to this. I do prefer Apple over Windows, mostly because my PC in Virginia (Janet) always decided to download so-called "updates"  that were actually viruses even after I turned the automatic downloads off. Now my laptop right now (Shane) runs Windows 7. I don't hate it, because it's my life now, but it's more of a love-hate relationship. Shane does stupid things for no reason, I have to put up with it, then I found out Shane can do something extremely cool, and I am happy.
Back to Horton II. He was a black Zune, 8 gigabytes, with a cracked screen. I wish my cousin had never sat on him. He was a replacement for my first Zune (Horton) that I got for my fifteenth birthday, which slowly died. I still don't know why. I don't even think Bill Gates would know if he cared enough to see exactly why people stopped buying Zunes himself. The buttons slowly stopped working, one by one. Well there really are only 3 buttons on a Zune, so when the play button stopped working I'd had enough. I got a free replacement, and I think Horton's body has been donated to science. That's what he would have wanted. My replacement was Horton II. He lasted a long time, even with the cracked screen. Today he was lost. I don't know what happened to him. I don't know where he is. All I can think is that he must have fallen out of my coat pocket when I was walking between Saks, Bergdorf Goodman, and Barneys in the 80 degrees we had today here in New York. He is somewhere on the streets. He's been on the streets before, twice I saved him from being run over by a taxi. But now he is out there for good. I feel horrible about losing him.
But then I remember that I planned on replacing him anyway. He was old, outdated, and unreliable. I had my eye on an iTouch since the one I want has 3 times the memory Horton had. I had saved my money so that I could buy myself a new mp3 player (specifically an iTouch), and now I have a reason to actually go out and do it. I just have to get off my butt and go to Best Buy where I have a gift card and get myself one.
But then I feel guilty about replacing Horton II so easily. He was great. He was horribly unreliable, but still good. Then I realize that I lost my headphones when I lost him. Those were the only ones I had that I thought would last me since they were the tangle-free headphones that came with my HTC Rhyme. I wonder if I can buy replacements...they were REALLY nice.
So overall I feel bad about losing Horton II. I want a new iTouch, but this recent loss makes me think if I can handle the responsibility of something so delicate? I should never have kids.
Also I saw a man giving away kittens on the street. Very Oliver and Company. I so wanted to take them home with me! Not that I am a crazy-cat-lady, but I just can't stand to see animals without a home. I was the one always bringing home strays. I couldn't go to the pound with my parents to donate something because we always ended up coming home with a new animal. I often saved the things I found. I made my dad pull over so I could get turtles off the road. I saved countless mice from my cats. Once I saved a finch one of my cats had brought into the house. I tried to nurse it back to health. I even named it: Mr. Finch. Yeah I know, very creative I was. He didn't make it sadly. But yeah, I was the rescue squad for homeless animals, and I had to remind myself: "I can't have pets in my apartment. I can't have pets in my apartment. I can't have pets in my apartment." I felt so guilty about leaving them behind.
To end this rant on a happy note: I SAW AMIR FROM JAKE AND AMIR IN BROOKLYN! HE WAS JOGGING! Dan the Van Driver and I were driving out of Brooklyn to go back to the city yet again, and there he crossed the street in front of us. I was a little confused and recognized him, but I was almost sure I had made a mistake. Then Dan the Van Driver said "I think I know that guy. He makes some funny videos on the Internet. I think he works for CollegeHumor." I was extremely happy.

20 March 2012

No Power

The fucking power is out in my apartment. Now what am I doing squandering my precious battery of my laptop? Not to worry, I'm at Starbucks charging my laptop through an outlet and my phone through my laptop! This sucks. This place doesn't even have WiFi, so I'm using my mobile broadband. Why is the power out? I have no fucking idea. I payed my rent to ex-Roommate's aunt who signed the lease. I did everything by The Man's book, but The Man just said, "Fuck you."
Anywhich, I'm at Starbucks, hoping that no one will ask me to leave when they catch me watching Phineas and Ferb. I'll just have to make my sandwich and apple juice last until my laptop is charged.
BAh new job. I still don't like it, mostly because I don't like clothes as much as I should to enjoy the job. Although I did revel in the fact that I carried over $25,000.00 from Bergdorf across town and probably about three times as much in total since I also had to go to Gucci and Saks Fifth Avenue. I had over $4,000.00 worth of shoes in 1 bag... okay the smallest fraction of me that is a girl was in awe of the shoes. I don't mind the girls so much anymore, since apparently the younger girls are just better to talk to. Sadly we all have vowel names (Amy, Aileen, Autumn, Amelia, Olga) so we get confused. Olga calls Aileen Amelia, Aileen calls me Olga, and Autumn calls Olga Aileen. Of course I just say "yes" to whatever name nowadays because of the confusion.

16 March 2012

Wow...I Guess I Was Correct on the Whole "Forever Alone" Thing

So I don't have a roommate anymore. It's just me now in this tiny one room apartment. The aunt is coming and going, taking Roommate's things out. I kinda wish she'd told me she was leaving before you know leaving. But now I have my own place for the next two weeks before I leave.
I don't want to think about leaving. I'm going to miss this place, even though I've only lived here for a month and a half. I love it here. My friends tried to persuade me to go to college here instead of California, but since I've now been "officially" accepted to the college of my hopes and dreams, it's a little too late to back out. Plus I really love L.A. That might just be one of the worst things about my new job in costumes/wardrobe. Everyone I work with hates L.A. while I love it. The ever charming Cameron said I was lucky to live out there. Steve (not the Internet) merely said "Ah...lucky kid." The guys seem to think I'm going to enjoy my time in California, while the girls I work with now (yes all girls blech) find L.A. dull and overrated. That might be the worst thing about my new job, that I won't really be able to talk to them. Maybe the whole having to go through every Seventeen   magazine from 1995 is worse, but at least I can entertain myself with the reviews of Toy Story and tearing up the "bookmarks" to make interesting puzzles while no one is looking.
Yeah I'm not appreciating the whole "Fashion" business. I don't like it, and I don't think I ever have, but now I strongly dislike it. Of course after walking around Central Park East to pick up catalogs from all the high-end stores, I began to despise it.

I wanna go back to locations...

13 March 2012

Two Weeks=Forever Alone

I miss my roommate! She's been missing for 2 weeks, and I'm not sure where she is. Last I heard she was in New Jersey and had to go on this business trip for something I forgot to ask about. I kind of miss her here. Without her I have no one to talk to except myself, and I don't make very good company. I also have no reason to clean my room; it's a complete mess! She also left food in her half of the fridge and freezer, and it's starting to smell...She should be here so that way I can't be bored because she could give me suggestions on what to do.
I've also become bored. I know there is so much to do here in New York, but I don't work with The Corrections anymore, so there goes what I do every morning. I made a list of things I should see, and the only things that are left are a few museums, and somethings that don't open until summer. I really shouldn't be bored, but I have no idea what to do with myself. I'm always in by 9, and asleep by midnight after making myself dinner and watching something on Netflix.
I considered clubbing for a little bit, still kind of am. The problem is that it seems 99% of all the clubs are 21+. I'm only 18. I don't feel like drinking, or being told to go away. I also have a blister on my foot that I stupidly opened, so I don't feel like dancing either. Yeah, I'm just bitching at the moment. I'm also afraid of bouncers after watching a Jake and Amir video about it.
It also has been FOREVER since I seriously posted anything on here. I'm beginning to feel like Natalie Tran (aka Communitychannel), promising myself and the world something, and then just...meh.

12 March 2012

Why did the intern cross the road? To feed the meter.

RAWR! NO MORE BREAKS! I've been really lazy lately... Not really felt like sitting down and writing. I had no qualms with sitting down and watching Gintama and The IT Crowd though. I honestly didn't know if I was even going to be working or living here in New York after February. You see, the project for HBO ended, since apparently after a pilot in a series a location department is not such a big deal. So locations works for months ahead of time, and only the first bit of actual production, then they just keep some scouts/assistants around just in case someone needs to find the nearest French Restaurant. But I paid my rent for March since I'd be working for the first 2 weeks, then I figured the rest of the time could be like a stay-cation. Haha...right.
I got a new job!