13 March 2012

Two Weeks=Forever Alone

I miss my roommate! She's been missing for 2 weeks, and I'm not sure where she is. Last I heard she was in New Jersey and had to go on this business trip for something I forgot to ask about. I kind of miss her here. Without her I have no one to talk to except myself, and I don't make very good company. I also have no reason to clean my room; it's a complete mess! She also left food in her half of the fridge and freezer, and it's starting to smell...She should be here so that way I can't be bored because she could give me suggestions on what to do.
I've also become bored. I know there is so much to do here in New York, but I don't work with The Corrections anymore, so there goes what I do every morning. I made a list of things I should see, and the only things that are left are a few museums, and somethings that don't open until summer. I really shouldn't be bored, but I have no idea what to do with myself. I'm always in by 9, and asleep by midnight after making myself dinner and watching something on Netflix.
I considered clubbing for a little bit, still kind of am. The problem is that it seems 99% of all the clubs are 21+. I'm only 18. I don't feel like drinking, or being told to go away. I also have a blister on my foot that I stupidly opened, so I don't feel like dancing either. Yeah, I'm just bitching at the moment. I'm also afraid of bouncers after watching a Jake and Amir video about it.
It also has been FOREVER since I seriously posted anything on here. I'm beginning to feel like Natalie Tran (aka Communitychannel), promising myself and the world something, and then just...meh.

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