21 February 2012

Office Shinanigans

Person 1: "First animal that comes to your mind. Go!"
Person 2: "Apple"
Person 3: "Snake"
Person 4: "Fox"
Person 5: "Bear"
Person 1: "Fox it is"
Person 5: "BEAR!!!"
Person 1: "Too late! I'm already drawing a fox."
Person 2: "That's not a fox..."
So after my 10 hours of much needed sleep, I got to the office (on time) to hear this conversation going on in the Productions department...and I thought I didn't do anything at work.
Also there, I learned that fax machines are stupid, and that they think I'm just as stupid as they are. The one at the office goes out of it's way to try and prove it's point by failing to send any faxes I have to send out. Fucking fax machine...
While I was doing my amount of nothing, the guys around me were trying to figure out how to make a conference call with the office phones. The got to three people, then...it kind of failed when they added a fourth. Not like someone pressing the wrong button, but just downright refusing to cooperate and dropping the first person dialed. Funny as an apple being an animal.
A quick summary of my usual work day:

  1. 6:00 wake up
  2. 6:20-6:45 think about getting out of bed
  3. 6:50 take shower
  4. 7:20 dress
  5. 7:30 eat whatever I can find and my assortment of vitamins, painkillers, and allergy meds
  6. 7:55 leave
  7. 8:00 catch subway
  8. 8:15 get off subway
  9. 8:30-ish enter office
  10. 8:30-11:00 whatever Steve (not the Internet) tells me to do
  11. 12:00 food
  12. 12:30-17:00 whatever Steve (not the Internet) tells me to do
  13. 17:00 go home
After that it's kind of random. Well not really, it's mostly me eating and watching movies/Gintama on my laptop along with an assortment of YouTubers.
But this is kind of my old schedule from high school...I even used my backpack today to carry my stuff instead of my laptop bag...I felt like I was back in school...fuck. I'm not that homesick.
I don't even know if I'm going to have a job next week. No one has said anything about next month. I might have to pack my things and move back to Virginia. I don't exactly want to go. BAH! I wish I knew what would happen in my life! BAH!

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