03 February 2012

Guess What? I'm BLOGGING!

So I decided to start a blog. Well ain't that an original introduction.
Let's try this:
An annoying chirping sound emits from behind a pillow, accompanied by a pulsating vibration. I jabbed the "dismiss" spot on my screen and went back to sleep. I woke up later...and realized I had to BLOG!
Okay, that's lame, but this has to be cooler than twitter, right? I never got the hang of that thing. I don't really like birds anyway. Well I don't mind some of them, but most of them are just...ech. I'm not ornithophobic, though I have been chased by birds. Wait, where is this going?
Anywhich, I am here in New York for 2 months working for HBO. I'm in the locations department for a new series called The Corrections, based on the novel by Jonathan Franzen. We are currently shooting the pilot right now, and no that does not involve firearms.
For those of you that know me: don't tell anyone! Also yeah I know I talked about the Coen Brothers and their new movie Inside Llewyn Davis, but hey, I was a risk being a teenage girl and all with big stars so close like Justin Timberlake, Carey Mulligan, and Garet Hedlund. Oh well. This job is a lot more fun than I thought that one would be. For one thing, I'm not running around as Anne Hathaway did in The Devil Wears Prada, I'm actually helping to scout for locations.
The only sad thing is that The Corrections is based in the 90's. Come on people, the 90's?!?! I grew up in the 90's! It wasn't that long ago! This makes me feel old...I shouldn't feel old! I'm still a teenager! Also The Coen Brothers' movie was based in the 60's, which is the time period I believe I should have grown up in with all the hippies and groovyness.
Well I'll try to keep whoever is bored enough to read this posted.

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