22 February 2012

Angry Cooking Rant

Yep. I'm pissed, and not in the drunk way.
Expecting a package from the oh-so-important college of my choice to arrive at my father's house, I gave instructions to my mother to send it up to me, so I could fill it out. However, before my mum could get it, my father had opened my parcel and read through it. The fucking mail that has MY fucking name on it, was opened by him.  Not that it's anything private, just an enrollment agreement. But how could he do that? He, who has lectured me about how important it was for me not to rifle through his things, and not to interfere with his stuff. I just don't fucking understand it. My privacy was violated by someone not even in the same state! I can't trust him anymore.
Virginia is not my home and will NEVER be. I can't be in a place where I fear for my life from my sister, and can't trust my father. I never want to go back. I want to go home, wherever that is.
To vent my anger I am cooking. In my own way it's cooking. I have thrown some ramen into a pot, with the sauce packets, some dumplings, onions, and broccoli. Then I fried some rice and threw cheese in with it.
Sadly I have no appetite now after making this mess, and burning my neck on a grain of burning rice that was determined to decapitate me.

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