01 June 2012


My best friend-no-my Best Est Ever Friend (my BEEF) has started watching Sherlock. Now, if you don't know what that is...I'm sorry, but I'm going to fangirl out over here.
Sherlock is this Ah-freaking-mazing British television show staring Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch (insert high-pitched squealing from everyone on the planet at his beauty). This is a modern adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous works. Sherlock is gay. John served in Afghanistan. Sherlock does drugs, but occasionally uses nicotine patches when he needs to think. John writes a blog throughout the show about his adventures with Sherlock. Sherlock writes a blog to, filled with amazingly true things, such as you can tell a pilot by their left thumb, anti-social people blink considerably less than normal people, there are 243 different types of tobacco ash, and the list is endless and constantly referred to, but apparently it's too boring for most of the fictional internet, so Sherlock and John get most of their customers through John's blog. Microft Holmes is a successful politician. Now, there is a villain. JIM MORIARTY! An amazingly wonderful evil-doer, played by Andrew Scott, who stole the BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor from under the nose of Martin Freeman (John Watson).
Side story, since I don't want to give too much away, and if you don't need things to be given away and you are squealing while reading every word that is in some way related to Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Andrew Scott, or Sherlock, then you might just enjoy this. I know I freak out over it every time. I also don't want to talk more about it because I'm afraid of embarrassing myself because I have yet to finish watching series two.
My middle name is Murtagh. This is also my mother's last name. During her generation the name was shortened  from Mhuircheartaigh by the British. I'm not sure why, but my mother always says something about school and evil nuns not being able to pronounce her name. Anywhich it was pronounced two different ways. The Southerners pronounced it "Muh-Ker-Tea" while the Northerners pronounced it "Moriarty." That just made me fangirl out so much when I heard about it. So way way way back in the day, when the English had complete control and ownership of Ireland, some of my mother's ancestors moved to England, most of them from the north. Those that moved had to change their name to fit the pronunciation by the English-speakers. So those Northerner Mhuircheartiaghs became the Moriarty family. I HAVE  BEEN DRIVEN COMPLETELY MAD BY THAT PIECE OF KNOWLEDGE! I COULD BE RELATED TO SOMEONE WHO (depending on how long ago they moved over there, my source didn't tell me exact dates before she died, and I learned this story before Sherlock came out...haha...was released) MIGHT HAVE INSPIRED THE CHARACTER OF MORIARTY FOR SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE! THAT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE SUCH A BAMF!
But yes. I am really really really really (did I mention really?) really proud of my BEEF for finally watching Sherlock after I kept telling her about it's awesomeness and dragging her to the Sherlock photoshoot at Otakon, and getting into a battle with the Doctor (that is an entirely different fangirl-ism), and the amazing people I made her hang out with while we were at the photoshoot, though I will say that I left as they started to pull up the Johnlock. I mean it's cute, but Sherlock is married to his work. He doesn't have time for dating.

1 comment:

  1. Watson served in Afghanistan and Holmes did drugs in the books (though obviously the new version is talking about a different war).
