20 June 2012

Coming Out

Lunch came around on one of these days. Les arrived later than usual, but her usual seat was still waiting for her. Dick was unsuspectingly eating his lunch when she appeared beside him, startling him slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice. He was gladder to see her.
                “Look who decided to show up,” David announced.
                Les glared at him as she pulled out a notebook. She opened to her Latin Vocabulary, but Dick moved his textbook over her page. She moved it aside, but he placed it right back on top. “What do you think you’re doing?” she asked.
                “You don’t need to study. Give it a break.”
                “Maybe I do, and you’re going to be the cause of my failure in life.”
                “I don’t think that one quiz will kill you.”               
                “Oh really? I have a pretty impressive combo streak going. You want to break it?”
                “And there’s why you don’t have to study. Now give me that.” He reached for her notebook, but she pulled it out of his way. She moved it as far away from him as possible and turned her back to him to study in peace.
                “Oh come on, don’t be like that.”
                “I think I know why you don’t want me to study. You didn’t at all.”
                “That is not true!”
                “Do you want my notes?”
                Dick paused for a moment, as if uncertain of what to make of her offer. After a moment he reluctantly answered, “Yes.”
                She handed him her notes and pulled out a different notebook. “Oh, come on!” Dick announced as she turned to a fresh page for Italian.
                “You can’t judge me!” was all she said, and all she usually said on such things.
                Dick sighed in exasperation and returned to his borrowed notebook. Dick and Les returned to their individual studies while lunch wore on, but all the while Les was thinking. I’ve got a secret. Every once in a while a second voice would pop up. “Why are you keeping it?”
                This is a bit much to think about.
                “Why are you bothering to think about it?”
                I don’t want them to know. That’s kind of the point of a secret.
                “Who is ‘them’? Why can’t they know? What’s wrong with you?”
                What’s wrong with me is that I am. Why can’t you leave me alone?
                “Maybe I don’t want to leave you alone. Maybe I can’t until you feel better.”
                No, actually what is wrong with me is that I’m talking to you.
                “Ooh, harsh. But come on. Why don’t you tell them your dirty little secret?”
                “I like girls.”
                Only one head turned at this announcement. Wouldn’t you know it had to be David. He smirked and looked at Les with an eyebrow cocked. “What was that? I don’t think we heard you.”
                “I don’t need them to hear me. I said it; that was enough.” Wasn’t it?
                “Hey guys! Leslie wants to share something.”
                All the people at the table turned expectantly towards Les. David tried to coax her to repeat herself. Dick looked on in confusion.
                After a slight hesitation on Les’s behalf, she piped up once more: “I like girls. Okay?”
                There was something of a variety in their response. David leered still. Dick looked on in utter confusion. Jessica was the first to speak, “oh? Since when?”
                Catherine looked on in disgust, “Oh dear Jesus. Why would you do such a thing?”
                RenĂ©e and Donald were the only ones who didn’t seem to hear, but after the questioning and the impaling died down, Donald looked in confusion and asked, “You mean you weren't out of the closet?”
                Les couldn’t think of what else to do at this moment, but merely smiled at Donald’s remark. Dick sat stunned into silence and remained there after the bell had rung for lunch to end. He was the last one in the cafeteria when the security guard had to coax him into moving on to class.

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