11 October 2012

First Journal

For my screenwriting class we are supposed to keep a journal. The first assignment is to write about a conflict in our lives for 15 minutes (less than 5 pages). We have to talk about it with the class. Now this class gets pretty personal, and my prof has told us that what we write about reflects ourselves, and that he tries to psychoanalyze his students from their works.
So I sat here for 10 minutes trying to think of something to write about. This was always easy when I had to write in my daybook. I could just write and not have to worry about how people saw me, so I was free to say anything. However, we also were not usually given boundaries, and when we were, they weren't so vague. So I was stumped for what I had to write. I thought about the conflicts that I could remember: my dad not approving of my going to an art school, trying to come out in high school, being on the academic team, running an anime club with my best friend, having 2 guys fighting over me, there seeming to be an odd number of lesbians at my school... Eventually this just became a list of things that have happened in my life.
Then it hit me. The one thing that has haunted me for years, the one conflict I that has traumatized me: my sister.
My hand was shaking just planning out my rant. The things she put me through is enough to set my nerves on edge, and she is 3,000 miles away on the other side of the continent.
I'm a little worried to write this because of what people will think, but I also know that if I write something it doesn't worry me as much. So here I go onto my pages.

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